Our home-preschool journal

Our Home Preschool Journal and Lesson Plans. My goal in "teaching" my children at home is to let them be little and learn through play and investigation, with and WITHOUT my help! My hopes for this blog is to keep good records of our projects and themes with reflections of my kids doing them. This blog is mainly for me, but maybe you might find a project for your sweet littles too.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving & Turkeys

We did Thanksgiving for 2 weeks mixing in the Turkeys with a little Pilgrims and History lessons

Letters  Mm  Nn
Number 12
Verses Let us not love in word but in deeds and in truth. 1 John 3:18
No one can serve two masters. Matthew 6:24
I'm not sure how I started with Mm, but that's what I had printed. ??  I haven't been going in the order (1+1+1=1) suggests, but this wasn't what I thought I had planned. :))  Anyways, M and N back to back worked out fine, a little confusing at times. :)

Books we used:
Our favorite book was the one we made together.  I got the idea from "Blue's Clue's back in the day,  Everyone in the family makes a page (we made 2 each and included Nanny too) "Mama's thankful for.... Daddy's thankful for...."  I put it together simply with a ring.  No picture sorry, it got left at Nanny's house.

Highlights from our weeks:
There were several Thanksgiving tot packs.  I just printed 1 or 2 sheets from a couple for our week.  1+1+1=1 and over the big moon.com

Roll a Felt Turkey- "Let's play again"

sorting pasta, then glueing pasta for turkey feathers.

Finished product!
I left the marker on the table, so L used it to write! "I write, I write yellow."

We actually made these in SS, but it was too cute not to share.
We played the "Thankful game" almost everytime we got in the car for the last 3 weeks.  I said something I was thankful for and then GB, then L.  continues.  Lots of funny things and some really great things too.  I was very impressed and proud of some of the things GB came up with.  L was mostly thankful for the vehicles he saw or repeated one of us.  Cute stuff!

Thanksgiving Cards for Nanny and Papas

This is the best and most Gracie has colored without scribbling!! (I did the red)

Loves those counting games

Building with foam blocks! 
Notice GB's buildings are matching colors. 
Luke is in the far corner of the picture and he already claimed it as a train house
 (2 trains on top). :)

Turkey sandwich

Turkey snack- looks a little more like a spider (good thing my littles thought it was great)

Oh my!  What to say about this poor guy!  I had to post to show sometimes you just make due! ;)  After 2 days of turkey lunch and snack, they asked for a "turkey". 

This is all the pictures I have from 2 weeks.  We had a great Thanksgiving and learned a lot, played a lot of Pretend Thanksgivings and made mayflower voyages. :)   We moved on to our Christmas celebration and will continue through the whole month of Dec.  I'll probably post all together since we are already finished with week 1 and I took 2 pictures of "school stuff". :))

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