For L(23 months) he will take part in our theme (calendar if he wishes) and I will offer age-appropriate activities for him too. We will be focusing a little more on life skills with both of them. I may not get photos of everything we do, but hope to highlight enough to share our weeks. I'm really excited about this year and learning with my 2 Einsteins. :) Here's hoping and praying for a healthy, happy school year; Where we all learn along the way!
Back to school photos: Let me first say, these could have been so much better IF, I would have had a little patience and waited a couple hours or until the sun with back behind the clouds. :) Oh well!
Luke was so not interested in sitting on the quilt or playing with the puzzle or blocks. He lasted about a minute, (which is okay, look at the horrible shadows) his tractor and dirt were calling his name!
Let's Learn Something Together! September 2011
**Oh, and just to be clear; I never force either child to participate in school! I offer activities and learning opportunities throughout our day, if they want to participate they do, if not they don't. I believe they can learn just as much playing their way as playing mine! :)
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