Our home-preschool journal

Our Home Preschool Journal and Lesson Plans. My goal in "teaching" my children at home is to let them be little and learn through play and investigation, with and WITHOUT my help! My hopes for this blog is to keep good records of our projects and themes with reflections of my kids doing them. This blog is mainly for me, but maybe you might find a project for your sweet littles too.

Monday, September 12, 2011

School Starts Fall 2011

This week we started school! I told GB we were starting school today, she looked at me real funny and said, "we did that last year." Last year is her time for anything not now! ;) Not a lot is different, just our schedule/ routine and for G I have added calendar time and Raising Rockstars curriculum from 1+1+1=1 (I love this concept, so thankful for this work she shares) to whatever our theme is. Some weeks the letter may match, others it won't and that's okay! (might need remind myself of this later)
For L(23 months) he will take part in our theme (calendar if he wishes) and I will offer age-appropriate activities for him too.  We will be focusing a little more on life skills with both of them.   I may not get photos of everything we do, but hope to highlight enough to share our weeks.  I'm really excited about this year and learning with my 2 Einsteins. :)  Here's hoping and praying for a healthy, happy school year;  Where we all learn along the way!

Back to school photos:  Let me first say, these could have been so much better IF, I would have had a little patience and waited a couple hours or until the sun with back behind the clouds. :)  Oh well!

Luke was so not interested in sitting on the quilt or playing with the puzzle or blocks.  He lasted about a minute, (which is okay, look at the horrible shadows) his tractor and dirt were calling his name!

Let's Learn Something Together!   September 2011
**Oh, and just to be clear; I never force either child to participate in school!  I offer activities and learning opportunities throughout our day, if they want to participate they do, if not they don't.   I believe they can learn just as much playing their way as playing mine! :)

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